Mod1. Q1. Which of the following are not OSINT resources?
10 points

Mod1. Q2. Evidence captured from the internet is always admissible in a court of law?
10 points

Mod2. Q3. Under GDPR and prevailing Data Protection legislation of EEA countries, when a data breach occurs, the country Data Protection authority should be notified of the breach within:
10 points

Mod2. Q4. An OSINT practitioner in the UK is tasked to investigate the activities of a Chinese citizen who is normally resident in Shanghai and is visiting London on a purported vacation. There has been a report of possible criminal activity on the part of the Chinese citizen. Concerning Social Media accounts of the subject, the practitioner can:-
10 points

Mod3. Q5. A 'Free' VPN is not recommended because activity is recorded and monetised by the provider?
10 points

Mod3. Q6. With regard to Passwords, it is best practice to:
10 points

Mod3. Q7. What is an Emulator?
10 points

Mod4. Q8. When using a photograph for a Synthetic Identity, it's best practice to:
10 points

Mod4. Q9. Maintaining a Synthetic Identity is never a good idea. Better to create a new Synthetic Idendity for every deployment.
10 points

Mod5. Q10. POLE is an investigation structure acronym that does not include:
10 points