2. Which of the following is a reverse image search resource?
a) Ironeye
b) Coppereye
c) Tineye
d) Steeleye
e) Reverseye
3. Go to https://www.thetravelmagazine.net/wp-content/uploads/Gornji-grad-J.-Duval.jpg and apply a reverse image search, from where is this image taken?
a) Belgrade, Serbia
b) Prague, Czhech Republic
c) Sofia, Bulgaria
d) Zagreb, Croatia
4. Go to https://images.ctfassets.net/ti0n6mm28of1/2bP6GhgFWjdRfR9rzxYpO1/83563a762db7e5357a92a33a8d725c2d/CORO_NEW_AADI_01__1_.jpg and apply a reverse image search, what is the name of this actor?
a) James Smith
b) Adam Weston
c) Adam Hussain
d) Aadi Alahan
e) none of the above
5. You located the following profile picture online on a social media platform account, https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/28.jpg Apply a reverse image search, most likley this image is: